ADAMAS Consulting (ADAMAS) is one of the world’s leading global providers of research Quality Assurance (QA) services offering auditing and consulting resources for all of the Good Practices (GxPs, where x is Clinical, Laboratory, Manufacturing, Distribution and Vigilance). Recruitment and retention of expertly qualified personnel in QA is challenging, as many prefer to work freelance having attained a sufficient level of experience and technical ability.
ADAMAS has always invested significantly in the development of its consulting team, both to ensure the consultants (auditors) are of the highest technical standard to deliver excellent services, and also to add value to the individual and allow our people to realise their potential. ADAMAS has recently launched a new initiative for increasing the versatility and capabilities of its staff – the ‘ADAMAS Centre of Excellence’ or ACE, a unique and bespoke modular training system facilitating individual and cross-training for all staff. ACE is not limited to the consultants, but provides a framework for the provision of learning opportunities for all of its employees across its seven business areas – Administration, Auditing, Human Resources, Business Development, Finance, Information Technology and Quality.
The ACE training modules have been designed by focussing on employees’ job descriptions and breaking down the technical requirements into bite-sized topics. A training module is being developed on each topic, consisting of presentations, exercises, 1:1 training, on-the-job training, self-learning followed by assessment and certification. The modules are being developed by a designated system owner who has accepted the responsibility according to their personal education, training and experience. Each module will be reviewed by the business system owner for completeness and technical competence before being released for use. Staff will be able to navigate through ACE without supervision and access the training modules, identifying a trainer/assessor then working through the modules at their own pace, recording learning achievements as they are attained in their training logs.
All new staff are assigned a bespoke ACE Training Plan at induction, which identifies the training objectives assigned for the six month review period to ensure that ADAMAS new starters achieve competency in ADAMAS procedures and attain consistency in providing high quality client services. After this has been successfully completed, the Line Managers will set further plans at annual appraisal. ACE Training Plans are also set for ADAMAS contracted consultants, known as Associates to demonstrate their excellence and conformance in providing contracted services to ADAMAS’s clients. If successful, the Associate is given the status of “Certified Associate” and provided with a certificate.
Through the implementation of ACE, ADAMAS will be able to attract new high calibre recruits who value on-going training and appreciate increasing their skillsets. ACE will enable ADAMAS to increase the versatility of its staff and improve staff retention by investing in the individual’s aspirations and supporting the development of their full potential. All this will support ADAMAS’s goal of providing world-leading QA services.