ADAMAS Consulting is delighted to announce the opening of our new office located in San Diego, California. ADAMAS brings 23 years of thought leadership in Quality Assurance to the American West.
The challenging year the industry has collectively faced has driven the ADAMAS team to stretch our imaginations. We have developed then implemented what the future of GxP, QA Training and Consulting, and indeed what remote auditing can achieve. Helping our clients overcome the most challenging QA barriers through data analytics, artificial intelligence, and big tech, while maintaining best in class privacy standards. Through our unique solutions, we are able to deliver our stringent quality standards globally, maintaining social distance, reducing our carbon footprint, all while keeping sensitive data safely locked away. And of course, we still pride ourselves on being the collaborative experts in what we do.
Our new location is in the nation’s hotbed of healthcare innovation and thought leadership. The ADAMAS team is continually inspired by the cutting-edge health care products our clients provide to people, and motivated to help our California based clients get lifesaving products to market faster and safer.
Please reach out to our San Diego based Business Development Manager, Marieke Gaudet Kirkman to talk QA programs, flexing with dynamic times, and ADAMAS new service offerings. We are looking to provide bespoke solutions to your most difficult challenges and are excited to connect with new California based clients.
If you would like to learn how ADAMAS utilise our extensive experience to ensure our clients needs are successfully met, please feel free to call us on +1-919-341-3361 in the US; +44 (0)1344 751 210 in Europe, or email us at
The ADAMAS Team.